Fibre and 4G Routers

With the advent of fibre connections replacing copper lines, there are other options allowing your alarm to report:


This would require a cable from your router to the alarm panel.  If this is not possible, then a wireless bridge to simulate a cable can be added.

This IP MODULE will NOT allow reporting from the alarm if your router is down (say a power-cut). You would need a substantial UPS (uninterruptible power supply) to keep your router going for a prolonged power cut. Your router is the WEAK LINK here.


This module allows your alarm to report through the cellular network and the module gets its power from the alarm system  This will work during a power cut.

Which is best? For a high risk premises, the Radio Reporting unit. It gets its power from the alarm and works through the cellular network. Suitable for banks and pharmacies and the like.

The new Permaconn radio unit I install also allows you to download an app and use it turn your alarm system on and off from anywhere (depends on alarm module).

4G Routers and CCTV

Currently neither Spark nor Vodafone will allow the traditional PORT FORWARDING needed to allow you to access your camera system from afar.  Newer camera systems have a feature to get around this, but if you have an older system, going to a 4G router may prevent you from being to access the system from afar.  This is why I prefer my customers to go onto Fibre, as Port Forwarding is still allowed.

The Importance Of A Good Router

Many places I go to have shit routers (the technical term).  These are mainly THOMSON routers (grey or white model) and the HUAWEI routers sent out by both Spark and Vodafone.  What happens with these routers is that they often work well briefly with cctv systems, and then they change or erase the programming (PORT FORWARDING and DDNS settings).  Normally after the 2nd or 3rd visit to reinstate these settings, I get the customer to get a known brand such as NetGear, NetComm, TP-Link, Dray-Tek, and then the problems disappear.  We never have to go back.